“Fall” into your organizing groove

Fall is the perfect time to de-clutter and get your home organized before the snow hits the ground.


What’s in your freezer?

An organized freezer allows you to find and use what you have, preventing waste and saving you money. Freeze sauces, meats and berries in zipper freezer bags and use permanent marker to write the contents and date directly on the bags. Use sturdy, flat-bottomed freezer baskets to store the bags. Organize by category (frozen vegetables in one basket, sauces in another). Place new foods at the back of the freezer and use the oldest food first.


Seasonal clothing

Store your seasonal clothing safely. Before storing them, ensure that they have been cleaned. Even if items appear clean after wearing, body oils can cause stains that set over a few months and may attract moths. Never store clothing in plastic bags for extended periods; they trap moisture and encourage mildew. Use cotton garment bags instead. Avoid storing clothes in cardboard boxes as acids in the cardboard can cause fabrics to yellow and the glue between the layers can attract insects. Use lidded plastic storage containers instead. Always store the clothes in a cool, dry, dark and well-ventilated area.


Maximize bathroom storage space

1. Place items you use daily within easy reach, like on the countertop, in the top drawer of in a hanging shower organizer in the shower area.

2. Store items used once or twice a week in the next most accessible space, like the middle drawer or under the sink.

3. Stash items used only once or twice a month in the back of the cupboard or in labelled boxes.


How do you file your paperwork?

Some experts suggest placing new paper behind previous ones (filing to the back) because it’s faster and easier to drop papers in the file that way. On the other hand, when you are looking for papers inside your files, you are more likely to need the most current ones, so you could access them faster if you filed them at the front. This just goes to show that organzing is not one size fits all; you need to find the systems that work best for you. Whether you decide to file “to the back” or “to the front,” the important thing is to choose one of the two methods and use it consistently.


What to do with receipts

Designate an easily accessible place to quick-drop your reciepts as soon as you get in the door, so they don’t accumulate in piles throughout your home. This can be in a box, basket or bowl placed in a convenient spot.

Once a month, go through the container and a) discard any receipts you don’t need to keep (from the supermarket, variety store etc.) and b) file the receipts you are required to keep for warranty or income tax purposes. You can store the “keepers” in file folders or accordion files labelled by category or by date (check with your accountant/bookkeeper for their preference). Even if you don’t get to filing every month, at least all your receipts will be in one place and you’ll know where to find them if you need them.


Hellen Buttigieg – is a Certified Professional Organizer, life coach, TV host and owner of We Organize U. To contact Hellen or for more information on hiring a We Organize U specialist, call 905.829.2219 or email info@weorganizeu.com.

Original source: Next Home & Condo Guide – October 12-26, 2018


Original article: The Province
Read original aricle here.