Arts + Events District Profile – The West End

A gateway to Stanley Park, the West End neighbourhood is bordered by the park on one side, as well as English Bay, Granville and Robson Streets.

Rainbow Crosswalk West End
Crosswalk at Davie & Bute


Majestic Stanley Park with its wrap-around seawall leading through to Coal Harbour, is literally the West End’s backyard sanctuary. Bike riders, rollerbladers, runners and walkers flock to the sea wall daily. It’s truly an iconic landmark for not just the city but the entire province.

stanley park seawall
Seawall & Lions Gate Bridge


English Bay and its breathtaking views out to the Pacific are enjoyed through all seasons and weather. However, the summertime is when this area really comes alive. On a sunny day English Bay is packed with beach goers and people strolling around Denman and Davie Streets, browsing the wealth of good eats and patio options.

There’s also quite a few unique art installations around the area.

Inukshuk Monument English Bay
Inukshuk Monument by Alvin Kanak @ The Point at English Bay

a-maze-ing laughter art morton park
A-maze-ing Laughter by Yue Minjun @ Mortion Park. Photo source.

Engagement art at Sunset Beach
Engagement by Dennis Oppeenheim @ Sunset Beach


Visit the West End BIA website for more information on this amazing community + learn about the many events they have going on throughout the summer. Upcoming events include one of the largest Pride Festivals in the country, which takes place on August 4th.

Original article: The Province
Read original aricle here.